Thursday, May 23, 2013
Socrative - Making thinking Visisble
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Great Teacher
Clipping Magic
"Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times" Aeschylus
— Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) May 22, 2013
Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led. -Warren Bennis #quote
— G. Armour Van Horn (@thequotemaster) May 22, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity. -Ayn Rand #quote
— G. Armour Van Horn (@thequotemaster) May 21, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Experiments in Teaching
AS - Life in Hitler's Germany
AS Past Paper Question - Life in Hitler's Germany
b) How successful was Hitler in keeping control over the SA in the period January 1933- July 1934 (24 marks)
a) Explain why the Nazis tried to control information in the years 1933-39 (12 marks)
b) Most Nazi propaganda didn't work. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement
a) To what extent could
b) How successful was the use of fear and terror in securing conformity amomgst German youth 1933-45 (24 marks)
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. - Confucius
— Brilliant Quotes (@Brillianttquote) May 20, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
"The only people who never fail are those who never try." - Ilka Chase
— Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) May 17, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Iraq War - Was it Just?
Watch Iraq: Just War Revisited on PBS. See more from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.
Learning to Learn - The 5 R's
The 5 rs and L2L have been around for some time now and have had proven success in a number of schools, there is a list of case studies included below.
At the heart of L2L is the belief that learners can be taught how to learn and to improve their learning through the use of the 5rs identified below:
This hanbook produced by Derby LA gives an overview of how it should work:
Whilst the booklet below shows how L2L could look in action:
The case studies below cover a whole range of settings and different focuses of L2L being used to improve learning and raise attainment:
Phase 4 Case Study Summary Table Posters
The 2nd Magic Bullet
The 1st Magic Bullet
Medieval Doctors
21st Century Education
Life is Sacred - Sanctity of Life
Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage. ~ Confucius
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 16, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Hitler's Religious Views
Catholic Church in Nazi Germnay
The Role of the Churches in Nazi Germany
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle #quote #k12 #ntchat
— We Are Teachers (@WeAreTeachers) May 15, 2013
Love, compassion and concern for others are real sources of happiness.
— Dalai Lama Quotes (@DalaiLamaQuotez) May 15, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Was Life in Nazi Germany Any Better - Revision
The learner always begins by finding fault, but the scholar sees the positive merit in everything. ~ Hegel
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. ~ Marcus Aurelius
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 12, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
I think this is cool - Class Badges!!!
A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela
— Brilliant Quotes (@Brillianttquote) May 10, 2013
Trench Warfare - All Quiet on the Western Front
Verdun Shell Shock
A wise man sees as much as he ought, not as much as he can. -Michel de Montaigne #quote
— G. Armour Van Horn (@thequotemaster) May 10, 2013
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Politics and Propaganda
Nazi Economic Policy
Reich's Labour Service
KDF - Journal
KDF Overview
20% time in the classroom - Worth a Try
If you haven’t heard of 20% time in the classroom, the premise is simple: Give your students 20% of their class time to learn what they want. Yes, that’s it. Below is a list of the 10 reasons you should consider 20% time in your school, and you will not regret making that choice!
1. You will join a great community of learners
When I first did the 20% project with my students I didn’t have a community of teachers or learners. Within months that changed as a number of great teachers before and after me started to share their 20% time stories online. The largest active group is the Genius Hour teachers (inspired by Daniel Pink) who have #geniushour chats and a great Genius Hour wiki. Get involved and see what others have done!
2. You will allow students to go into depth with a topic that inspires them
One of the major issues we face in schools today is covering a wide breadth of information, instead of allowing students to get a real depth of knowledge. Students using 20% time are able to delve into subject matter that means something to them, often times taking their free time at home to learn more. Isn’t this something we should be promoting at all levels?
3. There is so much positive peer pressure
When students in my school have their pitch day, they get to share with the entire class what they are working on. Publicly announcing what they are trying to accomplish makes the goal real. Students get to see what their peers are working on and want to make sure their project stands up to the rest of the class. Regardless of a grade being attached to the project, this makes for students going the extra mile.
4. It relieves students of the “game of school”
Too often our students complete assignments for the grade. They go through the motions to receive an external pat on the back (or pat on their transcript). 20% time takes away the “game of school”. It brings back the love of learning for learning’s sake.
5. It’s fun!
Randy Pausch famously said, “If you think you can’t learn and have fun at the same time. Then I don’t think you have a good understanding of either.” Without a doubt it is the best time of the week. Listen to how one Genius Hour teacher share her students’ excitement for Genius Hour to arrive.
6. Your class will be covering all types of common core standards
It doesn’t matter if you teach elementary, middle, or high school. The genius hour and 20% time projects cover multiple common cores standards. We’ve had teachers propose this type of learning to their administration back by awesome research. Remember, the community will help if you are fighting a battle to get 20% time started at your school.
7. It’s differentiation at its best
Students are working at their level, and as teachers we should be helping to challenge each one of our learners at their best pace and ability. Because each project differs, students are not bogged down by following the same steps as their classmates. The entire class is learning, but it is truly differentiated.
8. You learn by what you do, not by what you hear
Experiential and challenge based learning puts the mastery back into the student’s hands. We provide guidance and pushes along the way, but they are the ones “doing” and “making”. Confucius put it perfectly: “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Let your students make and they will understand and thank you for the opportunity.
9. It is a perfect way to model life-long learning
I did the 20% time with my students and took it upon myself to learn how to code and make an app from scratch. I failed to make that app. But my experience learning how to program left me with a whole new perspective, and was a teachable moment about what we call “failure”. There is no real way to fail a project in which “learning” is the end-goal.
10. Your students will never forget what it felt like to create
Have you seen Caine’s arcade? It started out as a little idea and now Caine has inspired hundreds of other kids his age to create something unique. When you create a product, it becomes part of who you are, and there is a “care” involved that we just never see with multiple-choice tests. What would you want for your child?
This is the most important time to be in education. It is the most important time to care about education. It is the most important time to impact education.
Now, more than any other time in the past 100 years, education seems on the verge of a paradigm shift. You see, for the past century, most of the educational change has been “doing old things in new ways”. Today, we are beginning to see educators, educational institutions, and educational companies do “new things in new ways”.
My challenge to you as a teacher is to allow your students the freedom to learn what they want. That’s what 20% time is all about, and that is why it is so successful.
Semmelweis & Lister - Surgery - Part 2
Semmelweis & Lister - Surgery - Part 1
The fool wonders, the wise man asks. -Benjamin Disraeli #quote
— G. Armour Van Horn (@thequotemaster) May 9, 2013
Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Pipl - Comprehensive Footprint / Person Search on the web.
Your Digital Footprint
Modern Taxonomy Wheel
10 Skills Modern Teachers Should Have
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ~ Cicero
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 4, 2013
Germany Divided and Re-united - State of Germany in 1945
Create Amazing Infographs
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." - Tommy Lasorda
— Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
IPad as Teacher's Pet -
American West - Paper 1 2006
To meet the challenge of this century, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility.
— Dalai Lama Quotes (@DalaiLamaQuotez) May 7, 2013
Nazi Terror and the SS
How did Hitler gain control of Germany?
How comprehensive was the Nazi Police State?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 6, 2013
Friday, May 03, 2013
PDF Unlocker
Opposition in Nazi Germany
Youth - Opposition in the Third Reich
Slanderers do not hurt me because they do not hit me. ~ Socrates
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 2, 2013
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Worry often gives a small thing a great shadow. -Swedish Proverb
— Women Of History (@WomenOfHistory) May 2, 2013
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~ Confucius
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) April 29, 2013
Cattle Drives
There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision. ~ William James
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) April 30, 2013
So very true!
I have always observed that to succeed in the world one should seem a fool, but be wise. ~ Montesquieu
— Philosophers quotes (@philo_quotes) May 1, 2013